Home-based care that never slows you down
You’re one step closer to long-term care that keeps you going, improving your quality of life in the comfort of your community.
Care that benefits you

Unlimited Access
When you enroll in this the Hamaspik Choice Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) plan, you have access to home- and community-based, long-term care that keeps you living your best life.

Vast Network
Our provider network includes home- and community-based support for those that need long-term care. The network features many of New York’s leading long-term care providers and their affiliated doctors.
Your prescription for better health
How Hamaspik makes getting your prescriptions a priority

Broad Formulary of Covered Medications
Each Hamaspik plan uses an established drug list (known as ‘The Formulary’) that has been approved by CMS (The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services). The drug list includes both brand name and generic drugs in all medication categories. Just speak with your doctor about the drugs you need, and show them the formulary for your plan.

Vast Pharmacy Network
You can get your medications at any of the thousands of pharmacies in our network, including all major drug store chains and many independent pharmacies. You can also order your medications to be delivered via mail.

Flexible Options
If you are taking a drug that is not included in the Hamaspik Medicare Select formulary, we will cover a temporary supply of your drug during the first 90 days of your membership in the plan if you were new, and during the first 90 days of the calendar year if you were in the plan last year. This temporary supply will be for a maximum of 30 days. If your prescription is written for fewer days, we will allow multiple fills to provide up to a maximum of 30 days of medication. The prescription must be filled at a network pharmacy. This will ensure that your health needs are always met. Be sure to talk with your doctor during this time to prescribe a different drug or to file an exception request.
Manage your medications
Each Hamaspik plan uses an established drug list (known as ‘The Formulary’) that has been approved by CMS (The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services). The drug list includes both brand name and generic drugs in all medication categories. Just speak with your doctor about the drugs you need, and show them the formulary for your plan.
MTMP Requirements
To be eligible for Hamaspik Medicare Choice (HMO D-SNP), individuals must meet the following criteria:
You have 3 or more of the following chronic illnesses:
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Dyslipidemia
- Hypertension
- Chronic Obstructive
- Pulmonary Disorder (COPD)
You take at least 5 ongoing medications to manage your chronic illnesses
You are likely to incur an annual cost of $4,376 or more for your prescription drugs (based on the cost of prescriptions you filled in the previous 3 months)
How MTMP Enrollment Works
A key component of the program is the Comprehensive Medication Review (CMR), which you will complete with one of our pharmacists during a telephone consultation. The CMR typically takes between 15 and 30 minutes. During that time, the pharmacist will answer any questions you have about your medications, the best time to take them, and more.
A written summary of the discussion will be sent to you within 14 days. The written summary will include a letter, personal medication list and medication action plan. We encourage members to bring these documents to their physician visits to discuss the information provided.
If you are found to be eligible for the MTMP, you will be automatically enrolled in the program. If you do not wish to participate, notify us at any time by calling 1-800-424-9342, and we will remove you from the MTMP. Hours are 9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.
In addition to CMR, members who participate in MTMP will be included in various Targeted Medication Reviews (TMRs) conducted throughout the year on a quarterly basis. TMRs use pharmacy claims data to assess eligible members’ medication profiles for medication-related issues or gaps in care. Any recommendation that is identified through the TMR will be sent to your physician so they may assess it during your next visit.
Missing some paperwork?
Check out our Healthcare Resources Page,
or download the prescription form below:
Affordable Connectivity Program
The Affordable Connectivity Program is a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) program. It has been designed to help lower the cost of broadband service for eligible households who may be struggling to afford internet service. The Affordable Connectivity Program provides:
- Up to $30 per month discount for broadband service; and
- A one-time discount of up to $100 for a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet purchased through a participating provider.
The Affordable Connectivity Program is limited to one monthly service discount and one device discount per household.
Click on this link to find out more about the program and determine if you are eligible:
Access to Your Health Information
As a member of a Hamaspik health plan, you can access current and up-to-date information about the health services that you receive. This is known as our Patient Access and Interoperability solution. This information uses new and innovative technology, in order to give you quick and secure access to your health care records on-line – on a smartphone, laptop, or tablet device.
Making this data available to you is based on requirements outlined in the CMS Final Rule, based on the 21st Century Cures Act that was passed by Congress in 2020. The type of information that is available includes:
Claims for the services that you receive
Clinical data about your health care services
Your provider directory
Your prescription drug formulary
Please note that the information that is available may include sensitive information such as information about your medical diagnoses, mental health and behavioral health services, alcohol and substance abuse, domestic violence, genetic testing, HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, pregnancy, abortion and sexually transmitted infections.
Core Elements
There are three core elements that work together in order to make this information available to you:
1) The Data Sources – Hamaspik health plans manages most of the data that is available to you. We also work with our providers to compile your data for certain services (like prescription drugs, and behavioral health services).
2) The Technology Stack – The data is then “formatted” and stored in the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) repository and so the data can be made available to members.
3) Third Party Applications – Hamaspik Members may download apps that can access this data to their smartphones, laptops or tablets. Members will need to create an account with one of the available API Gateway providers to allow the app togain access to his/her data.
Currently, there are two apps that are live and ready to connect you to your Hamaspik health plan data. You may find information on how to download and register with these apps below:
OneRecord: https://onerecord.com/
CareEvolution (myFHR app): https://careevolution.com/myfhr/
- B.well: (https://www.icanbwell.com/)
- Flexpa: (https://www.flexpa.com/)
- Health X Change: (https://www.healthxchange.us)
- mPowered: (http://www.mpoweredhealth.com/)
- ReimburseRPM: (https://reimburserpm.com/)
What is 1upHealth?
Hamaspik works with 1up Health as our contractor to make your data available to you. 1upHealth is a healthcare interoperability technology company, whose secure and reliable FHIR platform provides a complete view of member data. 1upHealth uses Touchstone, a product from Aegis, an independent third-party testing organization. Aegis is a member of the FHIR Business Alliance. Their Touchstone product integrates the latest health IT standards. Working with 1upHealth and Touchstone helps Hamaspik to ensure the environments that have your data will always meet the most current FHIR requirements.
Member Account Setup and Authorization Flow
In order to access your personal data, you must set up an account with one of the companies that offers an API Gateway. Members must set up an account when providing access to the first application with which they choose to share their data. Name, Date of Birth, Plan Member ID, Zip Code and a valid, unique email address are required.
After successful account creation, for future application access, Members will be prompted for the valid email address that was initially used to create the account. An authorization code will be sent to that email address and Members will be required to enter the code in order to authorize the access.
Member Rights and Risks
You have the right to share data with third-party app(s). You can grant consent to share your health data with any chosen third party app that is listed in the section above. When you submit your consent, we are required to make your health data available to you within one business day, through the third-party app that you select.
You have the right to revoke your consent at any time. If you decide that you want to stop accessing your data on the third-party app, this is also your right. You can immediately revoke the access granted to the app by calling Member Services, at the number on the back of your member ID card. (Also, please see the “Maintenance and Support” section below.)
You have the right to appoint an authorized personal representative. You may appoint a personal representative to act on your behalf. You can appoint anyone, such as a family member or a trusted aide, as your authorized personal representative to make health decisions on your behalf. Your appointed authorized personal representative is treated as the member and can grant, revoke or renew consent to the third-party apps to access your health data. In order to do this, you must complete and sign a form that gives your designated representative permission.
Please be careful when choosing who you want to appoint as your personal representative.
There is more information below about appointing a representative to access your data on your behalf. Click here to download the required form.
There are risks when you share your data with third party apps.
The apps that you can use to obtain your health records are not part of Hamaspik health plans. When you consent to share your data with of the available apps, we want you to also be aware of the potential risks lets you make an informed decision.
Allowing an app to access, store, manage or use your data involves some degree of risk. Through our relationship with 1upHealth, they have reviewed several apps and will only make an app available to you if it meets their quality and security standards. But once your data is shared externally and is controlled by a third party, Hamaspik has no visibility or control over how they store, manage or consume it.
If you think the safety of your data could be compromised by the third party, you can immediately stop sharing your data with them by calling Member Services, at the number listed below and on the back of your Member ID card.
Please note that Hamaspik takes every effort to safeguard your personal information when it is saved in our records. (Click here to download a copy of the Hamaspik privacy notice.)
However, when you authorize your data to be sent to you through a third party app, it is transferred outside of our records. You should review the privacy and security policies of the third party app to be sure that they are also protecting your data.
Risk of secondary usage of data by the third-party app(s). A specific example of risk to your data is called secondary usage. When your data is shared with a third-party app, they may use your data in other ways, such as for advertising. Please be sure to review their privacy policy and user agreement before you decide to share your data.
If you think the safety of your data could be compromised by the third party, you can immediately stop sharing your data with them by contacting Member Services at the number listed below and on the back of your Member ID card.
Risk of social engineering scams. Social engineering attacks, in which scammers try to access your health information, are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Beware of people or organizations posing as representatives of third-party health apps to trick you into sharing your sensitive information. Sometimes called “phishing scams,” these could be phone calls or emails pretending to be a trustworthy company or person requesting your information. There are some simple steps you can take to protect your information:
Keep your anti-virus software updated at all times.
Use multifactor authentication for important accounts.
Don’t respond to requests for personal information or passwords.
Don’t open email from a suspicious source.
Don’t click on links or open attachments received in an email from a suspicious or unknown sender.
Don’t use the same password for multiple accounts.
Appointing a Representative
An authorized personal representative is a person allowed to act on your behalf to make health decisions for you. Before someone can act as an authorized personal representative, you must appoint them by providing a legal document called Power of Attorney (POA) or Health Care Proxy. If you need assistance with these documents, please consult an attorney. Your care manager can also provide you with the official New York State Health Care Proxy form.
Medicare and Medicaid require that we treat your authorized personal representative the same as we would treat you, regarding the information we share and decisions that are made about your care. That means we would honor the health decisions your representative makes on your behalf (just like we would honor yours). Because of this, you should be careful in choosing who you want to appoint as your authorized personal representative.
Your authorized personal representative is treated like you, the member, in terms of health decisions they can make and has rights that include:
Making health decisions on your behalf
Granting, revoking and renewing consent to third-party apps on your behalf
Viewing the list of third-party app(s) that are accessing your health data
Accessing your health data via the third-party app(s)
However, you can also restrict your authorized personal representative from seeing certain protected health information, such as information about substance abuse treatment, mental health services, and HIV.
How to appoint an authorized personal representative
To submit a request for appointing an authorized personal representative, follow these steps:
You must complete and sign a form that gives your designated representative permission. Click here to download the required form.
As a next step, you need to mail or email the signed authorization form to your Hamaspik Health Plan.
You can email it to us at info@hamaspik.com
You can mail it to us at:
Hamaspik Health Plans
58 Route 59, Suite #1
Monsey, NY 10952
You can fax it to us at: 845-503-0999
We will review the form to be sure it is complete, and we will contact you if we have any questions. Upon successful approval, the authorized personal representative will receive an email from us with a unique access code to set up a new account or link their existing account to the personal representative role.
Note: You also have the right to terminate an authorized personal representative at any time.
If you want to replace your authorized rep with somebody new, submit an updated authorization form to us, as outlined above.
If you want to revoke, submit a revocation letter, you must notify us in writing. You can send this notice to us at the address or email or fax number outlined above.
If you have questions, please contact Member Services at 888-426-2774. (TTY users, call 711.)
Problem with your coverage?
If you have a concern about your healthcare or would like to file a complaint about your Hamaspik plan, please contact Member Services within 60 days of the problem. We want to understand your concerns and help you to resolve them. Depending on the situation, your case will be handled as a grievance, complaint, or as an appeal. You can file a grievance or complaint in writing, over the phone, via fax or email. You can find detailed information about grievances and appeals in your Member Handbook.
Hamaspik Choice
Attn: Grievances and Appeals775 N Main St.Spring Valley, NY 10977Fax: 1-845-503-0999
For TTY/TDD services, call 711
You can also file grievances with DOH by calling 1-866-712-7197
Please contact Member Services if you would like to obtain information about the aggregate number of grievances, appeals and exceptions that have been filed with your Hamaspik healthcare plan.
What to expect
After you file a grievance, Hamaspik looks carefully into your case and will seek to resolve the problem right away. We will respond with the following:
- The person who is working on your complaint
- The contact information for this individual
- Any additional information we will need to investigate your complaint
The next steps
We will investigate your concern and will notify you of our decision within 30 days (or within 72 hours for expedited grievances). If we do not agree with some or all of your complaint or choose to dispute the issue, we will notify you. Our response will include reasons for this answer.
You will be informed on how to appeal a decision and will be provided any necessary forms. If we are unable to make a decision about your complaint due to missing information, we will also notify you.
If you are still dissatisfied after we review your grievance, you may file a grievance appeal. Please see your member handbook for more information about this.
Service authorizations
Hamaspik Choice makes a service authorization every time we decide what services are covered. You or your doctor can also contact us to request a coverage decision if you are unsure if a particular medical service is included in your plan. You may also appeal this determination.
How to appeal
To appeal a decision about your health care services, please follow these guidelines:
- File an appeal within 60 business days of receiving our decision
- File the appeal yourself or ask someone you trust to file the complaint on your behalf
- Make sure the complaint is made in writing (even if you initially call, you must follow up in writing)
Your first level appeal is reviewed by Hamaspik Choice. If our decision about your appeal is not totally in your favor, you have the right to request a Fair Hearing. A Fair Hearing is a second level appeal that is heard by an independent third party. We will send you a notice that explains how this process works
Alternative Options
If you are not satisfied with the services you have received from Hamaspik, you (or someone on your behalf) may submit a complaint with the New York State Department of Health by dialing 1- 866-712-7197.
If your service request has been denied, we also encourage you to contact Member Services. There are many times when a member may ask Hamaspik Choice to approve a treatment or service in the form of an exception request. To get approval, call 833-426-2774 or send your request in writing:
Hamaspik Medicaid Choice
Attn: Care Management
58 Route 59, Suite 1
Monsey, NY 10952
Participant Ombudsman
The Participant Ombudsman, called the Independent Consumer Advocacy Network (ICAN), is an independent organization that provides free ombudsman services to long term care recipients in the state of New York. You can get free independent advice about your coverage, complaints, and appeal options. They can help you manage the appeal process.
They can also provide support before you enroll in a MLTC plan like Hamaspik Choice. This support includes unbiased health plan choice counseling and general program related information.
Contact ICAN to learn more about their services
Getting help
For assistance with filing a coverage decision or grievance or appeal,
contact us. Your doctor, prescriber or lawyer can also submit a request on your behalf at any point in the appeals process. Alternatively, you may appoint a friend, relative or another representative via the Appointment or Representative form on our
Notice of Non-Discrimination
Hamaspik Medicare Choice provides the following:
• Free and services to people with disabilities to help you communicate with us, such as:
○ Qualified sign language interpreters
○ Written information in other formats (large print, audio, accessible electronic formats, other formats)
• Free language services to people whose first language is not English, such as:
○ Qualified interpreters
○ Information written in other languages
If you need these services, call Hamaspik Medicare Choice at 888-426-2774. For TTY/TDD services, call 711.
If you believe that Hamaspik Medicare Choice has not given you these services or treated you differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex, you can file a grievance with Karl Dehm, Vice President, Compliance and Regulatory Affairs, by:
Phone: 1-888-426-2774
For TTY/TDD services, call 711
Fax: 1-845-503-1900
In person: 775 North Main Street, Spring Valley, NY 10977
Email: compliance@hamaspikchoice.org
You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights via:
Web: OCR Complaint Portal at
Mail: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue SW, Room 509F,
HHH Building
Washington, DC 20201
Complaint forms are available at
For TTY/TDD, call 800-537-7697
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